



Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

如果我忘记在正文中引用出处,但在参考书目中注明出处,这是否仍然被认为是抄袭? If so, how severe of a violation is it?

如果你忘记在正文中引用来源,但在参考书目中注明出处,则会被认为是抄袭. 为什么? 忽略在文章中引用出处意味着你的读者会认为文章中没有引用的词是你自己的. 例如, 如果你写了一篇哲学论文,但忘了引用一位哲学家的观点, 你的教授(拥有哲学博士学位)会意识到那些没有被引用的观点实际上并不是你自己的,并且会怀疑你抄袭了别人. Even if you included the philosopher in the bibliography, your professor does not know the location of the source within your paper. Proofread, proofread, proofread! 试着在写论文和交论文之间留出至少一天的时间,这样你就不会不小心抄袭了.

If I tell a campus police officer that I am 21 when I am really underage, am I violating the Honor Code?

是的, lying about your age to campus police violates the Honor Code, because the Code states that you will not "lie, 作弊, 或者偷.“要诚实. 向校园警察或任何其他校园官员撒谎,包括你的宿舍管理员,违反了荣誉守则,并导致荣誉委员会或社会委员会听证会.

Who will know about my appearance before the 荣誉委员会/Who should I tell?

理事会, the Dean of Students, 只有证人会知道你出席荣誉委员会的事. 听证会是完全保密的,你不应该告诉任何与你的案件无关的人, which would be a violation of the Honor Code.

Will the fact that I went to 荣誉委员会 be on my permanent record?

If found in violation and a sanction of suspension or expulsion is applied, the sanction will be noted on your record. Individuals can petition the President of the College to have the notation removed, 然而,这样的移除从未得到保证,也不会在个人毕业之前发生. 您应该联系荣誉委员会的顾问,了解有关此问题的更多细节和具体问题的答案.

Where can a complete copy of the 澳门新葡京官网 Honor Code be found?

A complete copy of the 澳门新葡京官网 Honor Code can be found in the Student Handbook. 学生手册将在到达澳门新葡京官网时分发,其他副本可在学生服务大楼或学生发展链接下在线获取.

Is the use of test files against the Honor Code?


How is the Council selected?

The 荣誉委员会 is composed of fifteen members: 3 seniors, 3青少年, 3二年级, and 6 "at-large" members with no regard to class distinction. 学生会联合会(SGA)根据毕业生荣誉委员会成员的推荐选出理事会成员. Each applicant must complete two case studies, which are scored anonymously. No one from the SGA may be eligible for selection to the 荣誉委员会. The SGA fills any vacancies on the Council if they arise.

What are all the possible sanctions the Council may propose?

理事会 has numerous sanctions at its disposal. 理事会 can move to expel, suspend, or place students on probation. 理事会也可以决定不允许违规者以任何官方身份代表学院. Besides these core penalties, 委员会可以建议其他制裁措施,例如强制访问写作中心, letters of apology to affected faculty members, or counseling sessions.

Can I compare answers with a friend on a take 首页 test?

No. Unless otherwise specified by the professor, 带回家的考试要单独完成,就像其他评分作业一样. Sharing answers on a graded assignment is in violation of the Honor Code, whether it happens in or out of class.

Do I have to cite Internet sources?

是的. Any time you use someone else's words, 的想法, or data, you must cite it. Although web content may seem less formal than other academic publications, it still requires citation. 它是, 有时, difficult to pinpoint authorship of web content, so if you have trouble determining how to cite web content, you should seek help.

How do I appropriately report a violation of the honor code?

如果违规涉及课堂作业,你应该向教授报告. 向荣誉委员会主席或学生教务长报告任何其他类型的违规行为. Remember that failure to report a violation of the Honor Code is itself a violation.

How does a professor find out about or realize an Honor Code violation?

教授是他们研究领域的专家,因此可以很容易地在课堂作业中找出可疑的活动, 测试, 或论文. 经常, 抄袭的论文听起来对本科生来说太高级了,或者包含了某个学生不典型的语言结构/风格. In the case of 作弊ing, 教授们注意到学生的试卷或家庭作业之间的相似之处. 学生有时会在课堂考试或家庭作业中被其他学生发现作弊.

How do I know if I am plagiarizing?

If your writing expresses someone else's words, 的想法, or data without proper citation, you are probably plagiarizing. Sometimes this happens accidentally. If you question the validity of your work, 在写作作业截止前不要犹豫向你的教授寻求帮助!!! Birmingham-南部 professors are very open to questions. If a professor sees problems with your writing before it's due, he or she will point you in the right direction.

Does the Honor Code apply to 首页work assignments?

是的, 首页work assignments are just as covered by the Honor Code as 测试 and papers. Regardless of the weight of the assignment relative to overall course grade, the Honor Code covers ALL types of academic assignments. 学生政府协会通过的二级制度很可能是处理家庭作业中违反荣誉守则的方式. While the violation is as serious as any other violation of the Honor Code, a 首页work assignment violation in most cases does not go to a full hearing.

如果你的高中有荣誉守则,你可能会更好地理解荣誉守则是如何运作的, although be extra careful at learning how Birmingham-南部's is different. 大多数人会发现澳门新葡京官网荣誉守则的范围更广,效果更大. 如果你上的高中没有荣誉守则,或者没有接受过广泛的来源引用方面的培训, visits to the Writing Center are highly recommended.

学生们发现荣誉守则对他们毕业后会有很大的价值. 研究生院和雇主知道,当他们录取/雇用伯明翰南方大学的毕业生时,他或她所接受的教育是完全值得的.

If I am writing my paper and have a question as whether a particular section, 行, or idea is mis-cited or mis-quoted, who is the first person I should talk to?

你的教授. 最好的建议是要小心,确保你给自己留足够的时间来完成作业,这样你就有足够的时间来咨询你的教授,如果有问题的话. 伯明翰南方大学的教授非常愿意帮助学生解决各种各样的问题. If you are having a problem with something, professors are the best resources. 如果你发现自己有疑问或问题,写作中心也是一个很好的资源. 话虽如此, 请尊重你的教授的时间,如果这是最好的做法,请安排一个时间与你的教授单独会面. The Writing Center requires appointments.

委员会成员听到的抄袭作业最常见的原因是缺乏时间. 如果你等到最后一分钟才完成作业,没有时间向教授提问或利用其他资源,你就给自己施加了过度的压力, especially in your first year. Make use of your planner, do assignments ahead of time, and if you think you need to plagiarize something to get it done on time, you would be better off not turning the assignment in. You are risking a lot more than your grade on that particular assignment. 如果你很担心自己完成作业的能力,有些教授会给你延期, 因为其他课的考试或论文或者一些严重的个人问题. Even if you are granted an extension once, do not expect this all the time and stay on top of your studies.